posted: 2023-01-25
Chainmail Cube
Recently I found a wonderful tutorial by Blaise on M.A.I.L. that covers how to generalise the Japanese 8-in-2 sheet pattern into 3 dimmensions and create a cube.
The rings used for this peice are 14 SWG with a 5/16" internal diameter for an aspect ratio of 4.0 made of Bright Aluminum that I bought from the Ring Lord.
The first layer started out very loose; though once the first interstial layer was put in place the peice started taking shape.
Once the second layer was started some of the rings started being difficult to add. I found that trying to add them such you are guiding the new ring to be on top of any ring already in a position helped quite a lot. Additionally if you are using machine cut rings using the pointed edge also helped wedge the wire into postion as well.
Overall the final product maintains its shape fairly well, though there is still some slack.
This weave is known to serve very well for creating the sturucture of larger projects. Though as a small cube is also makes a good fidget toy/paperweight.
Below are some images of the completed cube: