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posted: 2024-10-27



While checking M.A.I.L. for interesting weaves to try, I came across Backbone by tipo mastr and documented by ElementalDragon. Backbone is closely related to Jellybeans on Parade; the main difference is that while Jellybeans on Parade’s 2-2 chain rings only pass through each other, in Backbone, these rings also pass through the "around the eye" ring of the previous unit. For those interested in making the weave, I recommend this great tutorial by tipo mastr.


For the sample piece showcased in this post, I made the rings myself (bonus post coming soon if you are interested). I used 16 SWG Bright Aluminum wire from The Ring Lord coiled around an 8mm mandrel for an approximate aspect ratio of 4.9.


The Backbone weave is conceptually not too difficult to understand, though it took me a few attempts. Once understood, creating the weave is simple. I find that the weave looks aesthetically pleasing. As a chain weave with a somewhat square cross-section, bracelets, chokers, necklaces, and pendants are great applications of the weave. One piece of advice for those making the weave is to ensure that the around-the-eye rings lay in a uniform direction when the weave is flat; if the one you added doesn't align, you should re-evaluate the section you just completed. Given the weave's aesthetic appeal, I believe it is worth learning despite the moderate challenge.



Flat: Angled

Flat: Profile


Vertical: Profile

In Process